2011-01-11 17:39:57 UTC
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homeowner from having vehicles if they are "Three model years or more" of
age. He left out the rest of the definition in which the ordinance states
that the vehicles must also be parked "in view of a public right-of-way and
are inoperable."
no, there is nothing in the township zoning ordinances whuch state
that it's only if they are parked "in view of a public right way and
are inoperable".
They do however state "Junk vehicles may not be driven upon any public
road or any road whether private or public within the township, nor
parked anywhere within. A junk vehicle is defined as any vehicle
which is three model years old or older."
Now, just how do you equate "inoperable vehicle" with may not be
driven upon the public roads"???
The very definition of inoperable means it isn't able to be driven
upon public roads at all even if it was legal to do so sne it
doesn't run because it is inoperable.
"Inoperable vehicles may not be driven upon any public roads or any
road whether private or public within the township..." does not even
make any sense.
So the law is very clearly talking drivable operable vehicles.
"Junk vehicles may not be driven upon any public road or any road
whether private or public within the township, ....... A junk vehicle
is defined as any vehicle which is three model years old or older."
These hoa nimbys who are now in charge of the actual zoning laws for
the whole township, including the non-CC&R non-hoa sections since they
now run the zoning office have also done their best to eliminate all
ham and cb radio without mentioning ham and cb, so that their anti-
radio laws won't be overturned by the federal government.
They prohibit all antennas on houses unless they are both where they
can't be seen from the street and only if approved by the zoning
commission first after paying the huge monetary fee to them to review
your application to put a tv antenna satellite dish on your house and
waiting weeks or months for them to approve or dissaprrove it.
Despite the claims to the contrary in these newsgroups, the township
zzoning officials say this law was passed in response to and in
compliance with the FCC OTARD rules and that the FCC otard rules allow
them to prohibit all antennas within the township based on just
aesthetic appearancees alone and allow them to charge the money to
wait weeks and months for approval to put a tv or satellite dish
(even less than 8 inches in diamete) ron your house
They also prohibit any antenna from being "more than fiftteen feet
above the ground".
These are NOT arules. They are actual ZONING laws passed by the hoa
nimbys who somehow got theirselves into positions of power in the
zoning office.
In an effort to prohit cb and ham radio, the printed zoning rules also
"An antenna support structure is defined as any structure other than
a tower upon which an antenna sits".
So you can't even say you're building or putting up "an antenna
support structure" if you're trying to put up a tower for HF
communications. Not allowed at all.
Furthermore, in the printed zoning rules for whatever you're doing
(that is for all ocassions nomatter what it is) it states "The term
licensee is defined as anyone who runs a sexually-oriented business
which state and federal laws prohibit minors .
So if anyone even says you're an amateur radio licensee" to them
when you try to apply to put up a tower, they will think you're like
Todd, especially after seeing Todd's pictures on his site when it
comes up from them doing a goofle searxh for "amateur radio
licensee"+"sex" which they wll since they have already decided
beforehand that licensee means "anyone who runs a sexually-oriented
And having the site also come up along with Todd's
pictures doesn't help matters any.
Then they WILL call the police on you, and you WILL be arrested, and
you WILL be forced to be on the registered sex-offenders list.
So DON'T even DARE attempt to explain the simple basic concepts of ham
radio to them or the police by mentioning "coronal mass ejections" to
them or the police.
There is absoltely no way you will ever ever convince these imbecile
hoa nimbys in the zoning office, the local-yokel police, or the judges
that "coronal mass ejection" has absolutely nothing at all to do with
Todd's pictures.
RadioGuy you're back. Believe it or not, I sorta missed seeing your
goof-ball crap. You can be the group clown until Markie gets home.
One of his many lies is the one about an ordinance that disallows agoof-ball crap. You can be the group clown until Markie gets home.
homeowner from having vehicles if they are "Three model years or more" of
age. He left out the rest of the definition in which the ordinance states
that the vehicles must also be parked "in view of a public right-of-way and
are inoperable."
that it's only if they are parked "in view of a public right way and
are inoperable".
They do however state "Junk vehicles may not be driven upon any public
road or any road whether private or public within the township, nor
parked anywhere within. A junk vehicle is defined as any vehicle
which is three model years old or older."
Now, just how do you equate "inoperable vehicle" with may not be
driven upon the public roads"???
The very definition of inoperable means it isn't able to be driven
upon public roads at all even if it was legal to do so sne it
doesn't run because it is inoperable.
"Inoperable vehicles may not be driven upon any public roads or any
road whether private or public within the township..." does not even
make any sense.
So the law is very clearly talking drivable operable vehicles.
"Junk vehicles may not be driven upon any public road or any road
whether private or public within the township, ....... A junk vehicle
is defined as any vehicle which is three model years old or older."
These hoa nimbys who are now in charge of the actual zoning laws for
the whole township, including the non-CC&R non-hoa sections since they
now run the zoning office have also done their best to eliminate all
ham and cb radio without mentioning ham and cb, so that their anti-
radio laws won't be overturned by the federal government.
They prohibit all antennas on houses unless they are both where they
can't be seen from the street and only if approved by the zoning
commission first after paying the huge monetary fee to them to review
your application to put a tv antenna satellite dish on your house and
waiting weeks or months for them to approve or dissaprrove it.
Despite the claims to the contrary in these newsgroups, the township
zzoning officials say this law was passed in response to and in
compliance with the FCC OTARD rules and that the FCC otard rules allow
them to prohibit all antennas within the township based on just
aesthetic appearancees alone and allow them to charge the money to
wait weeks and months for approval to put a tv or satellite dish
(even less than 8 inches in diamete) ron your house
They also prohibit any antenna from being "more than fiftteen feet
above the ground".
These are NOT arules. They are actual ZONING laws passed by the hoa
nimbys who somehow got theirselves into positions of power in the
zoning office.
In an effort to prohit cb and ham radio, the printed zoning rules also
"An antenna support structure is defined as any structure other than
a tower upon which an antenna sits".
So you can't even say you're building or putting up "an antenna
support structure" if you're trying to put up a tower for HF
communications. Not allowed at all.
Furthermore, in the printed zoning rules for whatever you're doing
(that is for all ocassions nomatter what it is) it states "The term
licensee is defined as anyone who runs a sexually-oriented business
which state and federal laws prohibit minors .
So if anyone even says you're an amateur radio licensee" to them
when you try to apply to put up a tower, they will think you're like
Todd, especially after seeing Todd's pictures on his site when it
comes up from them doing a goofle searxh for "amateur radio
licensee"+"sex" which they wll since they have already decided
beforehand that licensee means "anyone who runs a sexually-oriented
And having the site also come up along with Todd's
pictures doesn't help matters any.
Then they WILL call the police on you, and you WILL be arrested, and
you WILL be forced to be on the registered sex-offenders list.
So DON'T even DARE attempt to explain the simple basic concepts of ham
radio to them or the police by mentioning "coronal mass ejections" to
them or the police.
There is absoltely no way you will ever ever convince these imbecile
hoa nimbys in the zoning office, the local-yokel police, or the judges
that "coronal mass ejection" has absolutely nothing at all to do with
Todd's pictures.