richard <***>, AKA Richard Bullis, CENKOC, LMA, AKA RtS,
AKA Richard The St00pid, AKA Bolo Bullis, AKA 'sandman' the collector of
Post by richardPost by davePost by richardHah. Doesn't matter to the FCC. Anyone running more than 4 watts on CB
and interfering with other services will certainly get a knock on
their door and get a stiff $10,000 fine to pay.
A friend of mine though, once did run a 1,000 watt CB radio, NO
linear. LEGALLY!
Let me guess - he replaced the 2SC1969 finals with four 2SC1307's in
a double Darlington arrangement so his CB radio would produce 1kW without
the help of a linear amp.
Or it's another load of Bolo Bullis bull shit.
Post by richardPost by davePost by richardWhen the FCC inspector came knocking on the trailer he was using, it
was explained that this was an emergency communications excercise and
under the rules, the power was legal. The inspector left with out
issuing a citation.
When he keyed down on the damn thing, it spread over 20 channels!
Nobody within 30 miles of him could talk.
Did his non-amplified, 'legal' 1kW CB also made truck tires implode
all over town too, St00pid?
Post by richardPost by daveI'm calling BS!
You go right ahead and claim BS.
It happened. I was at my house which was 15 miles away or more as the
crow flies
Which is a lot further than any Bullis bull shit does.
Post by richardand I checked the channels. At least 10 channels on either
side. I don't recall all the detaila about the radio but I believe it
used to be a military radio. And the FCC has no jurisdiction over
military radios.
They don't?
Post by richardThey might have some now but not when the radio was
So you're saying the FCC doesn't regulate radio usage - eh, St00pid?
Post by richardAnother time I talked to a NG guy who was using a military radio.
His radio could dial in the frequency precisely. He was transmitting on
my frequency as his radio detected. When I told him what frequency to
transmit on, his signal and audio was better.
As distinct from when he wasn't transmitting on 'your' frequency?
Post by richardI'll have to get in touch with my friend and see if he has the radio or
recalls what make it was.
St00pid has friends? lulz
Some awards are called for.
Kooki Information Minister
Named in honour of Iraq's Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, this office is
held by the kook whose claims are most noticeably at variance with
known facts.
For RtS making many idiotic claims - not least about the jurisdiction
of the FCC - I nominate Richard S. Bullis, AKA St00pid, for this office
and thereby displacing current office-holder Agamemnon of RADW.
Victor von Frankenstein Weird Science Award
Given to those inspired, pioneering visionaries with their worthy
inventions, institutions, and prides-of-joys, who have reasoned it
out, who KNOW The Answer, who would know how to use it to make for
a better humanity... if only somebody would listen to them.
I nominate St00pid for his theories of a 'the 1kW unamplified CB radio
that wipes out all communications in a 30 mile radius' yet escapes
any FCC scrutiny, and 'advanced military radio signal reception'.
PS - The Mark Morgan Fanboi Club have now seen Richard The St00pid in
action - and everyone else can see RtS is as st00pid as VE7KFM dot com.
MMFC's 'Jethro' of tries to forge-cancel in
MID <***> and screws it up -
"Cancel: <***>
Canceled by HipCrime News Agent."
MMFC kook UberJacker <***> takes usenet to real life:
"It seems your telephone number is posted on Nim, Marc. I imagine that
your fans will be calling soon. Enjoy."
MID: <ee35aa1e-ee89-4e63-b158-***>