quote from a gmrs user
(too old to reply)
2012-05-14 17:44:25 UTC
Here is a quote by a licensed GMRS user:

"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me orders, never asked me
anything - i told them i had the paperwork, and where i got it... and
they took my radio from me... never lied to them - never tried to hid
anything... i was talking on a GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".

"<b>When i was in front of my building - I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY,
not on the city property... this is another factor that pisses me off</
Bill Graham
2012-05-15 00:54:24 UTC
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me orders, never asked me
anything - i told them i had the paperwork, and where i got it... and
they took my radio from me... never lied to them - never tried to hid
anything... i was talking on a GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building - I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY,
not on the city property... this is another factor that pisses me
off</ b>"
Anyone who is pissed off by having his/her constitutional rights violated
today, is in for an early heart attack. The liberals are fast deep sixing
the document...... If you don't want that to happen, they you better start
doing something about it. Staying silent is going basckward. You are either
for it or against it.
2012-05-15 14:48:52 UTC
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me
orders, never asked me anything - i told
them i had the paperwork, and where i
got it... and they took my radio from
me... never lied to them - never tried
to hid anything... i was talking on a
GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept
talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally
stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building
- I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY, not on the
city property... this is another
factor that pisses me off</ b>"
BG > anyone who is pissed off by having his/her
BG > constitutional rights violated today, is
BG > in for an early heart attack. The liberals
BG > are fast deep sixing the document......
BG > If you don't want that to happen, they you
BG > [had] better start doing something about it.
BG > Staying silent is going basckward.
BG > You are either for it or against it.

Bill Graham:
On usenet, misfits, Aspergers Syndrome,
Disability cases and LIBERAL politics dominate.
The lunatics run the asylum.
They see Constitutionalists as nut cases.

You're preaching to the other sides' choir, Bill.

I don't think the Fabian "gradual socialists"
are quite ready to cast off their sheeps clothing
(as in their wolf in sheeps clothing crest)
and admit they are against the US Constitution.

Their motto (with the tortoise logo) asserts they
will "strike hard" some day, but I suspect
they aren't quite ready for their
"end game" scenario.

It's possible though.

Greg Hanson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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Loading Image...


The Fabian Society and its War On America
Posted on August 14, 2011 by jmrodkey
The Fabian Society and its War on America.

Today we hear a great deal about Progressives in America but fully
understanding Progressivism begins through the exploration of its
roots and those roots begin in The Fabian Society. The Fabian Society
began in England in 1887 by a relatively small group of intellectual
elitists who embraced Marxist Socialism forced upon a society through
slow gradual and incremental steps. The logo (pictured above) is a
symbol of the Fabian Society. One should immediately questions why an
organization would consider using a shield that pictures a wolf in
sheep’s clothing as an image to promote their beliefs and the answer
should be an obvious one. It is the arrogance of the intellectual
elite. More importantly though should be the question “If they are
the wolf, who are the sheep?”

The gradual transition to a Marxist Socialist regime is also
represented in another image popular with Fabian Socialists.

The Fabian’s gave this gradual change a policy directive. They called
it: “The Doctrine of Inevability of Gradulaism”

This doctrine established that “without breach of continuity or abrupt
change of the entire social issue,” by infiltrating educational
institutions, government agencies, and political parties. Prominent
Fabian and writer, George Bernard Shaw, revealed that their goal was
to be achieved by “stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of
never calling socialism by its right name.”

George Bernard Shaw was a beloved satirist in England who is still
noted for his wit and in educational circles, some of that wit is
carefully concealed although Shaw himself never concealed his intent.

“I don’t want to punish anybody, but there are an extraordinary number
of people who I might want to kill…I think it would be a good thing to
make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might
come before the income tax commissioner and say every 5 years or every
7 years…just put them there and say , ‘Sir or madam will you be kind
enough to justify your existence…if you’re not producing as much as
you consume or perhaps a little bit more then clearly we cannot use
the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you
alive. Because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very
much use to yourself.’
-George Bernard Shaw

This is the core of Eugenics, or the philosophy of applied science or
the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at
improving the genetic composition of a population, usually referring
to human populations.

Shaw also said “A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an
extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would simply
have to be put out of existence simply because its wastes other
peoples time to look at them”
Shaw is calling for the program implemented by Germany to purge its
society of those the government deemed drains upon their society.
Shaw’s principles put into action gave birth to the gas chambers in
Nazi Germany.

One principle the Fabians fully grasped was that to fundamentally
transform Society it would be necessary to move that Society towards a
Welfare State. In order to accomplish this they understood that they
had to change the dialogue to focus on the weaknesses in human nature
in order to gain sympathy and popularity for this cause. If they
could manipulate societies, preying upon poor to use them to advance
their causes, while at the same time preying upon the human nature by
making them feel guilty and responsible for the condition of the poor
they could accomplish the second phase of their goals.

The second phase is to replace Free Market Capitalism with State
Capitalism. They believed that State should control aspects of
business such as electric power production, transportation, precious
metals and of course, credit. The remaining balance of economic
systems would be left to the private sector however; it, in their
thinking, must be highly regulated by the State and operated according
to the wishes of the State.

There is nothing tolerant about the Fabian Socialist, they are and
were statists. The long term goal was to delude the populace into
believe that Democracy and Socialism were compatible while pushing
towards a Socialistic Dictatorship through a legalistic view of
morality where the individual is simply a part of a greater
collective. No individual has any worth except the worth that
individual provides to the collective. If the collective does not
benefit from the individual than that individual has absolutely no

It is obvious that Adolph Hitler yields what happens when this model
is put in to practical purpose. The only difference between the
Fabian Society and Hitler was that they believed he moved to fast for
society to accept their goals.

The philosophy was embraced by intellectual elitists in America.
Knowing that Socialist meant Communist in the average American mind
and Communism was a known enemy of American Values, they could not
identify themselves as being openly Socialist so they called
themselves something different. They used the word Progressive.

It was essential that, in order to establish global dominance through
a world dictatorship, the principle of American Exceptionalism must
fail. In less than 100 years America had gone from being an upstart
new Government to the leader of the principles of freedom and
individual liberties and that this had given birth to an
entrepreneurial spirit that had made the American dollar the standard
of measurement for the value of world currency.

To the pure Socialist, this is unthinkable and unacceptable. This does
not exemplify their collective will. The free-market ideology must be
forced to collapse. If society was to be purged from the
undesirables, a system had to come into place that would replace the
free market individualism to remove competition from the largest
corporation while at the same time regulating those large corporations
to comply with a word governance ideology. They could not have
competition; they must regulate to create the level playing field.

In order to accomplish this the conversion of America from the
viewpoint of free market Capitalism to State Capitalism, something had
to be done to collapse American economy from a market that could
function prosperously without Government interference into a country
that would become dependent upon the government in order to maintain
its power that would be equally beneficial to both the Corporate power
structure and the Government.

At the same time, the Government needed to replace the spirit of
entrepreneurialism of the individual with a Welfare State of
dependency. This would call for a dramatic shift of the paradigm
within the realm of the intellectually elite in this country. In the
most daring strategy of the Fabian Progressive movement, the spirit of
Charity through moral conviction of the individual had to be replaced
with the mandated theft of monies to create a dependent society in
what Hayak referred to as the Road to Serfdom.

The wolf needed to identify the flock that it was going to feed upon
in order to accomplish that aim and this task fell upon Margaret

Margaret Sanger, the mother/founder of Planned Parenthood who has
successfully deceived the masses into embracing them as holding
compassion for the poor, made her intentions clear but few then and
now listened to her intent. Modern Progressives seek to hide what
Sanger said in public because in this politically correct world, the
real heart and spirit of her words betray the aims and goals of the
image Planned Parenthood had fabricated for themselves. Consider
these three quotes from Sanger.

“Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying …
demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism …
[Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of
the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate
fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must
agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming
to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the
race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree
dominant … We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of
an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who
never should have been born at all.”

“Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution
of racial, political and social problems”

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant
members is to kill it.”

To implement this Eugenic Control of Society, the wolf recognized the
sheep it needed to devour. Again, quoting from Margaret Sanger:

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with
social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most
successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious
appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate
the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten
out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious

Sanger’s ideology was radical for its time and the fact that so many
of her supporters choose to ignore these statements from her
demonstrates that her direct attempts at the Eugenic destruction of
the black race and those that were identified as the social morons and
dredges of society by the intellectually elite was never realized.
That is not to say it was not tried. Through Sanger’s progressive
ideology several states adopted a forced sterilization program that
resulted in in the sterilization of an estimated 60,000 Americans.

The concept of the turtle moving slowly replaced Sanger’s radical
Hitleresque destruction of classes that was deemed non-productive
towards meeting the Fabian ends.

In order to replace entrepreneurialism the first step had to be to
find a way to remove the competition of the free market system by
replacing it with a governmentally controlled economic standard.
Enter the Federal Reserve.

While the excuse of a depression was its impetus, the goal of its
establishment is evidenced in its results. The Federal Reserve could
now control and regulate Wall Street through economic manipulations in
implementation of interest rates, securities and bonds. The
Authority of the Federal Reserve, while supposedly separate from the
powers of Congress, falls under an appointed office through the
Presidency effectively now giving the President some control over
market fluctuations and pricing.

A new way of manipulating the market had to be developed and this fell
to a man named John Maynard Keynes

Keynes stated “Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to
destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a
continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly
and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By
this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily;
and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some.
The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only
at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing
distribution of wealth. Those to whom the system brings windfalls,
beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires,
become ‘profiteers,’ who are the object of the hatred of the
bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of
the proletariat. As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the
currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent
relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate
foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost
meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a
gamble and a lottery.”

This new philosophy of economics is now referred to as Keynesian and
is the only method of economics that the liberal progressives embrace
in spite of its continual and historic evidence of complete failures.

The economic manipulations of the Federal Reserve were not enough
though. The President’s powers had to be extended to other
institutions and this was realized through FDR’s New Deal. The New
Deal was the brainchild of a man named Stuart Chase. Stuart Chase was
a member of the Fabian Society at Harvard University.

He laid out the basis of the New Deal. The New Deal would empower the
President through newly created agencies run by appointed positions to
manipulate the government’s regulations of the business world
effectively choosing which companies would fail and which would
succeed through fees, duties and regulations.

The New Deal was only Stuarts short term goals. The long term goals
were established in 1942 through a book he wrote entitled “The Road We
Are Traveling”. In it he laid out the Fabian/Progressive plan for the
future of America

1.A strong, centralized government.
2.An executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and
judicial arms.
3.The control of banking, credit and security exchanges by the
4.The underwriting of employment by the government, either through
armaments or public works.
5.The underwriting of social security by the government – old-age
pensions, mothers’ pensions, unemployment insurance, and the like.
6.The underwriting of food, housing, and medical care, by the
7.The use of deficit spending to finance these underwritings.
8.The abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies.
9.The control of foreign trade by the government.
10.The control of natural resources.
11.The control of energy sources.
12.The control of transportation.
13.The control of agricultural production.
14.The control of labor organizations.
15.The enlistment of young men and women in youth corps devoted to
health, discipline, community service and ideologies consistent with
those of the authorities.
16.Heavy taxation, with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of
the rich.
17.Control of industry without ownership.
18.State control of communications and propaganda.
Perhaps the most egregious part of this movement has been the way in
which the government has become the Fabian Society in its deluding the
poor into believing they are the Savior of the poor while the plan all
along has been the fattening of the sheep to prepare society to accept
their annihilation so openly embraced by the likes of Shaw, Sanger and
others in the foundation of the Progressive movement.

We are on the precipice. Have you ever believed that the government
needs to step in and do something about the reckless morality of many
in our society who bear more children than they can support? Isn’t
this exactly one of the excuses used by Progressives embracing Pro-
Choice position to justify the wholesale slaughter of the most
innocent among us?

As we watch the downward spiraling of our economy, would we justify
purging those who contribute less or nothing by our estimation in
order to preserve our own existence?

This has been the trail of the Fabian turtle in its slow path towards
The Doctrine of Inevability of Gradulaism. The journey of this turtle
does not end with the surrender of moral values and replacing them
with Fabian intellectualism in America. The turtles journey ends when
this is the rule for the world and this can only be accomplished by
the fundamental transformation of America.

The most dangerous things to human sanctity is that Progressives
believe this is compassion. Their understanding about compassion is
vastly different from our own but to help us all understand how they
define compassion consider this quote in 2010 for progressive author
and commentator Virginia Ironside

“If a baby’s going to be born severely disabled or totally unwanted,
surely an abortion is the act of a loving mother. If I were the mother
of a suffering child – I mean a deeply suffering child – I would be
the first to want to put a pillow over its face…My feeling of horror
at suffering is much greater than getting rid of a couple of cells. If
it was a child I really loved, who was in agony, I think any good
mother would.”

That, my friends is Progressive compassion. “My Feeling of horror at
suffering is much greater than getting rid of a couple of cells.”
Bit Rot
2012-05-15 16:56:36 UTC
Post by Greegor
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me
orders, never asked me anything - i told
them i had the paperwork, and where i
got it... and they took my radio from
me... never lied to them - never tried
to hid anything... i was talking on a
GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept
talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally
stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building
- I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY, not on the
city property... this is another
factor that pisses me off</ b>"
Aspergers Syndrome
Yes, you have a severe case of it Hanson.
<irrelevant Hanson blather snipped>

Greg Hanson was recently elected as Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
Hanson is also a found child abuser in the Child Protection Services registry.
I'd like to send thanks to all the trolls, froggers and whackjobs
that make Usenet the barometer of the human condition that it is.
--From "2012, Year of the Bit Rot" | $129.95 in hardcover and paperback
2012-05-16 03:34:00 UTC
Post by Bit Rot
Greg Hanson was recently elected as
Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
So you're saying that a bunch of KOOKS
doesn't like me? Aww...
Post by Bit Rot
Hanson is also a found child abuser
in the Child Protection Services registry.
Post my current listing!
Fred Hall
2012-05-16 03:55:46 UTC
Post by Greegor
Post my current listing!
Why were you in the bathroom with a naked 7 year old, Hanson?


http://fnvw.databasix.com (awards descriptions and more)
This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
2012-05-16 04:34:58 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by Greegor
Post my current listing!
Why were you in the bathroom with a naked 7 year old, Hanson?
Small wonder Bullis appears in both of these RHS threads on RRAP too.
MMFC's 'Jethro' of rec.radio.amateur.policy tries to forge-cancel in
MID <***@alvillage.net> and screws it up -
"Cancel: <***@4ax.com>
Canceled by HipCrime News Agent."
MMFC kook UberJacker <***@houston-hunks.com> takes usenet to real life:
"It seems your telephone number is posted on Nim, Marc. I imagine that
your fans will be calling soon. Enjoy."
MID: <ee35aa1e-ee89-4e63-b158-***@r36g2000vbr.googlegroups.com>
2012-05-16 06:52:17 UTC
Post by Bit Rot
Greg Hanson was recently elected as
Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
G > So you're saying that a bunch of
G > KOOKS doesn't like me? Aww...
Post by Bit Rot
Hanson is also a found child abuser
in the Child Protection Services registry.
G > Post my current listing!

""Fred"" > Why were you in the bathroom
""Fred"" > with a naked 7 year old, Hanson?

You forgot about the shower curtain.

Lots of families use the rest of
the bathroom while somebody is
in the shower, behind a shower curtain.

You should know that, Gary Lee!
Fred Hall
2012-05-16 14:40:23 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
with a naked 7 year old
Sick fuck
"These clowns are all Jokers!" - Rasta Khan

"I'm more of a Usenet force than you'll ever imagine in your wildest dreams." - Nellie Hall

Brainwashed Follower of Art Deco #1
Old Gringo's Poopy Lits #1
Nellies invalid AUK Sociopath lits #10
@'s Lits of cyberterrorists and cyber bullies #1
eMutT lits o' hate #4
Lits Slut#10
Usenet Ruiner #3
Top Asshole On The Net #2
Most Hated Usenetizen of all time #2.
Sweetness Seal Of Approval #2
Hammer of Thor - August 2005
Pierre Salinger HL&S - January 2012
Pierre Salinger HL&S - February 2012
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle,Trainer Rasta Khan March 2006
This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
2012-05-16 08:17:21 UTC
Post by Greegor
Post by Bit Rot
Greg Hanson was recently elected as
Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
So you're saying that a bunch of KOOKS
doesn't like me?
Show everyone how you earned your title of 'Rock Hard Stupid', Hanson.

Tell everyone who doesn't know you that all the kook awards you've won
had nothing to do with your cretinism as evidenced by years of your
misdirected stalking, heinous hypocrisy, cowardice, evasions, and lies.
Post by Greegor
Post by Bit Rot
Hanson is also a found child abuser
in the Child Protection Services registry.
Post my current listing!
Message-ID: <cu6H6.14493$***@news1.elmhst1.il.home.com>
is where you admit you are on it. You wrote -

"I am now a "founded" child abuser for making a 7 year old take
a fast cold shower. (Not initial accusation, result of witchhunt)"
MMFC's 'Jethro' of rec.radio.amateur.policy tries to forge-cancel in
MID <***@alvillage.net> and screws it up -
"Cancel: <***@4ax.com>
Canceled by HipCrime News Agent."
MMFC kook UberJacker <***@houston-hunks.com> takes usenet to real life:
"It seems your telephone number is posted on Nim, Marc. I imagine that
your fans will be calling soon. Enjoy."
MID: <ee35aa1e-ee89-4e63-b158-***@r36g2000vbr.googlegroups.com>
This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
2012-05-18 01:42:01 UTC
Post by This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
Post by Bit Rot
Greg Hanson was recently elected as
Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
So you're saying that a bunch of KOOKS
doesn't like me?
Show everyone how you earned your title of 'Rock Hard Stupid', Hanson.
Tell everyone who doesn't know you that all the kook awards you've
won had nothing to do with your cretinism as evidenced by years of your
misdirected stalking, heinous hypocrisy, cowardice, evasions, and lies.
If those were all true<slap>
By stating I am Mr Burnore, putting his DOB in the subject line, and changing
the newsgroups line, you've just proved it is, Rock Hard Stupid.
MMFC's 'Jethro' of rec.radio.amateur.policy tries to forge-cancel in
MID <***@alvillage.net> and screws it up -
"Cancel: <***@4ax.com>
Canceled by HipCrime News Agent."
MMFC kook UberJacker <***@houston-hunks.com> takes usenet to real life:
"It seems your telephone number is posted on Nim, Marc. I imagine that
your fans will be calling soon. Enjoy."
MID: <ee35aa1e-ee89-4e63-b158-***@r36g2000vbr.googlegroups.com>
Kent Wills
2012-05-18 11:16:18 UTC
On Fri, 18 May 2012 01:42:01 +0000 (UTC), This account has been banned
Post by This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
Post by This account has been banned because it violated the Google Groups Terms Of Use
Post by Bit Rot
Greg Hanson was recently elected as
Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
So you're saying that a bunch of KOOKS
doesn't like me?
Show everyone how you earned your title of 'Rock Hard Stupid', Hanson.
Tell everyone who doesn't know you that all the kook awards you've
won had nothing to do with your cretinism as evidenced by years of your
misdirected stalking, heinous hypocrisy, cowardice, evasions, and lies.
If those were all true<slap>
By stating I am Mr Burnore, putting his DOB in the subject line, and changing
the newsgroups line, you've just proved it is, Rock Hard Stupid.
According to Greg, the altering of the group list is an admission
of failure. This was his claim when Dan would change the groups, and
Greg wouldn't hold someone else to a standard he is unwilling to hold
to himself, would he?
Wait, he does this with nearly every post.

Which of these women is Lisa Rene Watkins:


"I am Bob Larson."
Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson offering more proof that he is
as mentally ill as he presents.

A select number of items that really are about Gregory Scott "Piggly
Wiggly" Hanson (They are so accurate, Greg compared them the comment
that water is wet):

(DOB 05/22/1959)
Comments: CT 1 OWI 1ST
Comments: CT 2 SPEED
Disposition Status

"That's the chick, but not the pic, zipperhead!"
Greg "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson proving his bigotry towards Asians, by
attacking my first wife (deceased).

Me: "I suspect your stalking is due to the use and abuse of illegal
drugs, Greg. Is the reason for your stalking the members of
alt.friends due to the use and abuse of illegal drugs?

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child abuser:
"Of course."

"My family's case is for Neglect, but we are treated
in virtually every regard as child abusers, marked on
the Child Abuse registry, for example."
-- Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child

" ... But there ought to be conferences and studies on how to curb
minority overpopulation, repatriate minorities abroad, imprison more
minorities, increase use of the death penalty and divest minorities of
the power they have usurped over us in recent years. That would
address the most pressing problems of our day. ... "
April 2000, Gregory Hanson

From: Greegor <***@gmail.com>

With the Christmas season upon us again, my stepdaughter was launching
into her usual tirade of "I need this" (Nintendo 64 games, Pokemon,
videos, Rhianna CD, etc.) After enduring a trip through Kmart, I
was at my wits end. I took the kid home and filled the bathtub with
water. Then I dunked the brat's head under the water and counted out
a full minute, with her flailing her arms. I brought her up and she
gasped for air. When she'd caught her breath, I asked her, "When you
were under that water, did you 'need' Nintendo? Pokemon? Rhianna?"
She shook her head. "What were you thinking about?" I
prodded. She told me "I was thinking that I needed air."

"Now you know the difference between 'need' and 'want'" I exclaimed

--a true story

As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Comments: OPA $2805.04

+ INTEREST AT 7.271% FROM 8/6/98 & $45.00 COSTS.

FEES $35.60

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
him. There is nothing to even suggest any of the money legally owed
has been paid. The SoL on the order has likely expired, but Greg still
can't risk getting a job due to it.

Kent Wills
2012-05-16 08:47:28 UTC
Post by Bit Rot
Post by Greegor
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me
orders, never asked me anything - i told
them i had the paperwork, and where i
got it... and they took my radio from
me... never lied to them - never tried
to hid anything... i was talking on a
GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept
talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally
stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building
- I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY, not on the
city property... this is another
factor that pisses me off</ b>"
Aspergers Syndrome
Yes, you have a severe case of it Hanson.
<irrelevant Hanson blather snipped>
Greg Hanson was recently elected as Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
Hanson is also a found child abuser in the Child Protection Services registry.
He has two convictions for BEATING his ex-wife. He has a
garnishment order against him, though it's very possible the SoL has
expired on it.
He was sued by Eagle Property Management a few times for failure
to pay rent.
And he thinks tax payers should pay for any and all of his
storage needs.
A few years ago he was outted as a pro-CPS shill. He's been
butthurt about that ever since. It upsets him more than any other
TRUTH that's been exposed about him.

Which of these women is Lisa Rene Watkins:

Loading Image...

"I am Bob Larson."
Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson offering more proof that he is
as mentally ill as he presents.

A select number of items that really are about Gregory Scott "Piggly
Wiggly" Hanson (They are so accurate, Greg compared them the comment
that water is wet):

(DOB 05/22/1959)
Comments: CT 1 OWI 1ST
Comments: CT 2 SPEED
Disposition Status

"That's the chick, but not the pic, zipperhead!"
Greg "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson proving his bigotry towards Asians, by
attacking my first wife (deceased).

Me: "I suspect your stalking is due to the use and abuse of illegal
drugs, Greg. Is the reason for your stalking the members of
alt.friends due to the use and abuse of illegal drugs?

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child abuser:
"Of course."

"My family's case is for Neglect, but we are treated
in virtually every regard as child abusers, marked on
the Child Abuse registry, for example."
-- Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child

" ... But there ought to be conferences and studies on how to curb
minority overpopulation, repatriate minorities abroad, imprison more
minorities, increase use of the death penalty and divest minorities of
the power they have usurped over us in recent years. That would
address the most pressing problems of our day. ... "
April 2000, Gregory Hanson

From: Greegor <***@gmail.com>

With the Christmas season upon us again, my stepdaughter was launching
into her usual tirade of "I need this" (Nintendo 64 games, Pokemon,
videos, Rhianna CD, etc.) After enduring a trip through Kmart, I
was at my wits end. I took the kid home and filled the bathtub with
water. Then I dunked the brat's head under the water and counted out
a full minute, with her flailing her arms. I brought her up and she
gasped for air. When she'd caught her breath, I asked her, "When you
were under that water, did you 'need' Nintendo? Pokemon? Rhianna?"
She shook her head. "What were you thinking about?" I
prodded. She told me "I was thinking that I needed air."

"Now you know the difference between 'need' and 'want'" I exclaimed

--a true story

As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Comments: OPA $2805.04

+ INTEREST AT 7.271% FROM 8/6/98 & $45.00 COSTS.

FEES $35.60

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
him. There is nothing to even suggest any of the money legally owed
has been paid. The SoL on the order has likely expired, but Greg still
can't risk getting a job due to it.
Bit Rot
2012-05-16 17:45:54 UTC
Post by Kent Wills
Post by Bit Rot
Post by Greegor
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me
orders, never asked me anything - i told
them i had the paperwork, and where i
got it... and they took my radio from
me... never lied to them - never tried
to hid anything... i was talking on a
GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept
talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally
stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building
- I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY, not on the
city property... this is another
factor that pisses me off</ b>"
Aspergers Syndrome
Yes, you have a severe case of it Hanson.
<irrelevant Hanson blather snipped>
Greg Hanson was recently elected as Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
Hanson is also a found child abuser in the Child Protection Services registry.
He has two convictions for BEATING his ex-wife. He has a
garnishment order against him, though it's very possible the SoL has
expired on it.
He was sued by Eagle Property Management a few times for failure
to pay rent.
And he thinks tax payers should pay for any and all of his
storage needs.
A few years ago he was outted as a pro-CPS shill. He's been
butthurt about that ever since. It upsets him more than any other
TRUTH that's been exposed about him.
No wonder he's up at 5 a.m. flailing away on his keyboard.
I'd like to send thanks to all the trolls, froggers and whackjobs
that make Usenet the barometer of the human condition that it is.
--From "2012, Year of the Bit Rot" | $129.95 in hardcover and paperback
Kent Wills
2012-05-17 09:01:12 UTC
Post by Bit Rot
Post by Kent Wills
Post by Bit Rot
Post by Greegor
Aspergers Syndrome
Yes, you have a severe case of it Hanson.
<irrelevant Hanson blather snipped>
Greg Hanson was recently elected as Usenet/AUK Kook of the Month.
Hanson is also a found child abuser in the Child Protection Services registry.
He has two convictions for BEATING his ex-wife. He has a
garnishment order against him, though it's very possible the SoL has
expired on it.
He was sued by Eagle Property Management a few times for failure
to pay rent.
And he thinks tax payers should pay for any and all of his
storage needs.
A few years ago he was outted as a pro-CPS shill. He's been
butthurt about that ever since. It upsets him more than any other
TRUTH that's been exposed about him.
No wonder he's up at 5 a.m. flailing away on his keyboard.
Since he hasn't had a job in over a decade (due to the
garnishment order) he's able to post all hours of the day and night.
Greg has claimed that Asperger's is a cause of insomnia, so you
can see why he rarely needs to pause for sleep.

Which of these women is Lisa Rene Watkins:


"I am Bob Larson."
Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson offering more proof that he is
as mentally ill as he presents.

A select number of items that really are about Gregory Scott "Piggly
Wiggly" Hanson (They are so accurate, Greg compared them the comment
that water is wet):

(DOB 05/22/1959)
Comments: CT 1 OWI 1ST
Comments: CT 2 SPEED
Disposition Status

"That's the chick, but not the pic, zipperhead!"
Greg "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson proving his bigotry towards Asians, by
attacking my first wife (deceased).

Me: "I suspect your stalking is due to the use and abuse of illegal
drugs, Greg. Is the reason for your stalking the members of
alt.friends due to the use and abuse of illegal drugs?

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child abuser:
"Of course."

"My family's case is for Neglect, but we are treated
in virtually every regard as child abusers, marked on
the Child Abuse registry, for example."
-- Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child

" ... But there ought to be conferences and studies on how to curb
minority overpopulation, repatriate minorities abroad, imprison more
minorities, increase use of the death penalty and divest minorities of
the power they have usurped over us in recent years. That would
address the most pressing problems of our day. ... "
April 2000, Gregory Hanson

From: Greegor <***@gmail.com>

With the Christmas season upon us again, my stepdaughter was launching
into her usual tirade of "I need this" (Nintendo 64 games, Pokemon,
videos, Rhianna CD, etc.) After enduring a trip through Kmart, I
was at my wits end. I took the kid home and filled the bathtub with
water. Then I dunked the brat's head under the water and counted out
a full minute, with her flailing her arms. I brought her up and she
gasped for air. When she'd caught her breath, I asked her, "When you
were under that water, did you 'need' Nintendo? Pokemon? Rhianna?"
She shook her head. "What were you thinking about?" I
prodded. She told me "I was thinking that I needed air."

"Now you know the difference between 'need' and 'want'" I exclaimed

--a true story

As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Comments: OPA $2805.04

+ INTEREST AT 7.271% FROM 8/6/98 & $45.00 COSTS.

FEES $35.60

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
him. There is nothing to even suggest any of the money legally owed
has been paid. The SoL on the order has likely expired, but Greg still
can't risk getting a job due to it.
2012-05-15 19:37:18 UTC
Post by Bill Graham
Post by radioguy
"as my 1st msg states - the cops gave me orders, never asked me
anything - i told them i had the paperwork, and where i got it... and
they took my radio from me... never lied to them - never tried to hid
anything... i was talking on a GMRS channel, which i am licensed to by
the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...and i kept talking on it even though the cops
were driving by... when they finally stopped where i was - i was still
talking - did not try to hide anything... ".
"<b>When i was in front of my building - I was on PRIVATE PROPERTY,
not on the city property... this is another factor that pisses me
off</ b>"
Anyone who is pissed off by having his/her constitutional rights violated
today, is in for an early heart attack. The liberals are fast deep sixing
the document...... If you don't want that to happen, they you better start
doing something about it. Staying silent is going basckward. You are either
for it or against it.
This november let your voice be heard!
Vote out any person now in office!
Regardless of the level of office.
We need to wipe out the old crooks and put in new ones.
Scott in Baltimore
2012-05-16 06:08:08 UTC
Post by richard
This november let your voice be heard!
Vote out any person now in office!
Regardless of the level of office.
We need to wipe out the old crooks and put in new ones.
Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason.

Congress is the opposite of Progress.