2012-04-21 05:56:21 UTC
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If federal law overrules state law, then why is California state law
overruling the Federal Communications Commision on what radio
frequencies amateur radio operators are and aren't allowed to
If federal law overrules state law, then why is California state law
overruling the Federal Food And Drug Administration on what
ingredients food and drinks through the whole country in all states
may and may not have?
"Coke, Pepsi, Changing Recipes to Avoid California's Cancer Label
Tiny amounts of a carcinogenic chemical found in the drinks lands
on the state's warning list.
Thanks to strict nutrition guidelines in California, Pepsi and Coca-
Cola are making a minor adjustment to their ingredients to avoid
labeled as carcinogenic in the U.S.' most populous state. The
in question is 4-methylimidazole, a by-product of the cooking process
used to make the delicious caramel syrup that gives cola drinks their
colouring. Now, studies with lab rats have suggested that a person
would have to drink about 1,000 cans of cola a day for the drink to
possibly cause cancer. Regardless, California has the chemical on its
list of carcinogens that must be disclosed on the labels of any
products containing them. Since neither Coke nor Pepsi want to be
associated with cancer in the U.S.' largest beverage market, they've
instructed their suppliers to alter the process used to make the
caramel colouring so as to decrease the amount of 4-methylimidazole
their beverages. Strange that trace elements of a chemical that's
never been proven to cause cancer in humans are a bigger concern for
California's nutrition Stasi than the frighteningly high level of
fructose corn syrup found in the drinks, but that's America for you.
Drink all the obesity- and diabetes-causing sugar-water you want, but
mention the word cancer..".
I guess they didn't learn the first time from the "New Coke" fiasco.
If federal law overrules state law, then why is California state law
overruling the Federal Communications Commision on what radio
frequencies amateur radio operators are and aren't allowed to
If federal law overrules state law, then why is California state law
overruling the Federal Food And Drug Administration on what
ingredients food and drinks through the whole country in all states
may and may not have?
"Coke, Pepsi, Changing Recipes to Avoid California's Cancer Label
Tiny amounts of a carcinogenic chemical found in the drinks lands
on the state's warning list.
Thanks to strict nutrition guidelines in California, Pepsi and Coca-
Cola are making a minor adjustment to their ingredients to avoid
labeled as carcinogenic in the U.S.' most populous state. The
in question is 4-methylimidazole, a by-product of the cooking process
used to make the delicious caramel syrup that gives cola drinks their
colouring. Now, studies with lab rats have suggested that a person
would have to drink about 1,000 cans of cola a day for the drink to
possibly cause cancer. Regardless, California has the chemical on its
list of carcinogens that must be disclosed on the labels of any
products containing them. Since neither Coke nor Pepsi want to be
associated with cancer in the U.S.' largest beverage market, they've
instructed their suppliers to alter the process used to make the
caramel colouring so as to decrease the amount of 4-methylimidazole
their beverages. Strange that trace elements of a chemical that's
never been proven to cause cancer in humans are a bigger concern for
California's nutrition Stasi than the frighteningly high level of
fructose corn syrup found in the drinks, but that's America for you.
Drink all the obesity- and diabetes-causing sugar-water you want, but
mention the word cancer..".
I guess they didn't learn the first time from the "New Coke" fiasco.